12 week forum to dive into Self
“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
ha·ven (n)
1 : harbor, port
2 : a place of safety, refuge
3 : a place offering favorable opportunities or conditions; a haven for artists
Building foundations to promote resilience, Reverence, + reciprocity through
Ritual // Embodiment // elemental rhythm
Photo by Kayleigh Kay
Dear one,
I am ecstatic that you’re here. Thank you for your interest in this forum. In its 2nd year, this offering has evolved + shaped by the requests + needs of my community. Below are the details of this container, so you can be fully informed before committing to sign up. I sure hope you join us!
If you have any questions, please email me ~ brannen.julie@gmail.com.
What is a community forum?
I see this experience as a space to connect + reflect, guided by someone (in this case, me), in order to explore our beings in their current forms + our desires for the future. The forum style is geared toward Emergent Strategy principles in starting small + seeing what wants to come forth. I firmly believe in the wisdom of the body. Rather than me as the ‘keeper’ of the knowledge, I will call upon each of our internal, compassionate witnesses. We can all access this with guidance + practice.
With that said, I will certainly be providing resources for further inquiry + exploration in the form of suggested reading, journal prompts, meditation focuses, + at-home rituals.
What are the core values of this container?
ELEMENTAL RHYTHM (Interconnectedness)
We are human beings remembering our interdependence with nature, embracing the reality that my liberation is wrapped up in yours.
EMBODIMENT (Creativity)
We utilize our unique authentic expression to holistically (body/mind/soul) assist in achieving insights + movement towards change.
RITUAL (Spiritual Groundedness)
We center presence, playfulness, + protection to arrive into a psycho-social sacred space for the well-being of all of our relations.
Who is this for?
Therapists, Counselors, Coaches
Space-Holders, Healers, Body-Workers, Somatic Practitioners
Dancers, Artists, Creatives, Highly-Sensitive Persons (HSPs)
Anyone who is interested in personal + collective growth + evolution
How does this work?
Through elemental-focused, ritualistic embodiment practices (explained below, click the word for more information), we will explore the Self within the container of community. My hope is that this experience will promote resilience, reverence, + reciprocity in all who participate.
Please note that although this group is intended to be therapeutic, it is not a replacement for clinical therapy or medical care. My scope of practice does range into the clinical realm; however, this group is within different ethical guidelines. I am holding this space with the intention of illumination + integration in honor of holistic health.
Authentic Movement, Breathwork, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Meditation, Resilience Toolkit, Sensuality, Yoga Nidra
To increase energetic + emotional recovery from hardships, setbacks, challenges in personal + relational fields. To promote generative, vibrational shifts toward well-being. To cultivate present moment consciousness.
To invite a felt sense of belonging to oneself first, above all. To ignite a sense of curiosity in relation to parts of psyche that are stored in the body. To experience a sacred respect for the cycles of life.
To invoke a right relationship with nature (innate + environmental). To experience a felt sense of “Ayni” ~ a Quechua word for the principle of receptivity + gratitude, marked by a lifestyle of giving back in an inhale-exhale type relationship with the natural world. To create a more just + interconnected world.
What is included?
11 : 90 minute live, communal sessions (1 week break) from 7:30-9 PM CT
@ Ritual Rhythms Creative Studio // 6970 N. Sheridan Rd. Suite D.
1 : private session with Julie will be virtual + scheduled on an individual basis
How many people are invited?
Limited to 8-10 spots
When does this start?
Starting 2025! Tuesday evenings on the following dates...
January 14th
January 21st
January 28th
February 4th
February 11th
February 25th
March 4th
March 11th
March 18th
March 25th
April 1st
What is the investment?
I believe in accessible offerings. I also believe in my worth as a facilitator + the need for sustainable work. These are tiered pricing options based on a personal assessment of financial circumstances.
$333 : Essential (I receive the benefits of this offering)
$444 : Advocate (I can offer the standard industry range)
$555 : Supportive (I have spaciousness in my income streams)
Payment plans are absolutely available. Money is a tricky spot for lots of us; please communicate any needs to me.
Great! How do I sign up?
To enroll, please fill out the form below + send your energetic exchange (detailed above) to me via Venmo (@onbeingjulie) or Zelle (brannen.julie@gmail.com) by the end of the calendar year ~ December 31st, 2024
Very much looking forward to journeying with you…
XO Julie